Friday, January 25, 2013

Natural Flu Prevention

Natural Flu Prevention

Here are some tips for staying healthy this season:

Balanced Diet
Make sure you eat plenty of fruits and veggies, avoid processed foods and minimize sugars/carbs

Drink at least 2 liters of water daily

Try to get at least 8 hrs of sleep

Vitamin CVitamin C acts as a scavenger to fight the viruses and is concentrated inside the white blood cells

Vitamin D
Vitamin D has been shown to reduce the symptoms of the flu and to help prevent the flu

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Your Immunity & Stress

Your Health & Stress

Stress is much more than psychological - it can have harmful physical effects. Moreover, chronic stress can increase the formation of free radicals. The combination of free radicals and immune suppression increases the likelihood of disease development including cancer/breast cancer.

For more information regarding breast health and thermography visit

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

High Fat Diet & Breast Cancer

Cancer Risk with a High-Fat Diet

China, Japan, and Singapore, where the majority of the population consumes a low-fat diet, have the lowest incidence of breast cancer. Countries that have a higher percentage of fats, such as England, Scotland, United States, have a greater incidence of breast cancer. Estradiol, one of the most powerful natural forms of estrogen is increased in the body by 30% when a high-fat diet is followed. Many breast tumors are fueled by estrogen.

For more information regarding breast health and breast thermography visit

Monday, January 14, 2013

Garlic & Breast Health

Garlic & Breast Health
Numerous studies over the years (more than 30 different studies to date) have documented the anti-cancer properties of garlic. The strongest evidence so far has focused on digestive cancers, but garlic appears to protect against all types of cancer, including breast and prostate. Scientists have isolated two active ingredients in garlic, allicin and allyl sulfur, and demonstrated that they prevent and fight cancer in both animals and humans; you can take garlic in supplement form but the capsules must be enteric-coated to protect these active ingredients. Add crushed, fresh garlic to your meals whenever possible.
For more information regarding your health, please visit our website at

Friday, January 11, 2013

Kale & Breast Cancer

Did you eat your kale today?

Kale, a green leafy vegetable, is considered to be anti-inflammatory. It belongs to the brassica/cruciferous family of vegetables, containing a compound called indole-3-carbinol. Research shows that this compound has the ability to change the way estrogen is metabolized. This information is important when discussing the relationship between high levels of estrogen and the breast cancer occurrence in some women.

For more information regarding Breast Thermography, please visit