Thursday, June 21, 2012

Anti-cancer Superfoods

Blueberries, açai berries, raspberries, and cranberries

The rich, dark colors of blueberries, Brazilian açai berries, raspberries and cranberries come from phytochemicals that protect against numerous types of cancer. Most recently, researchers at the University of Florida found that the active ingredient in açai berries destroyed cancer cells when tested in cell cultures. And blueberries and muscadine grapes contain compounds that recent research shows cause cancer cells in the liver to self-destruct. In studies particularly important to women, cranberries have recently been discovered to be an important weapon in the fight against deadly ovarian cancer.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Your Deodorant

Your deodorant....You use it every day, perhaps even twice a day but have you ever consider that some of those ingredients could be harmful to your health? Parabens and aluminum, two ingredients commonly used in many deodorants on the market today, can in fact increase your risk for breast cancer! Scientific research shows that parabens have estrogenic activity in human breast cancer cells! Additionally, most breast cancers develop in the upper-outer quadrant of the breasts and it just so happens that area is closest to the lymph nodes exposed to deodorants!

So the lesson learned today? Check your deodorant! Go to your local health food store and get a natural deodorant without the parabens and aluminum!